I feel like this page isn't clear on what GOG version does with SecuROM DRM. In the notes it says:
"Multiplayer executable creates dormant SecuROM files.[2]"
but then below it says:
"The GOG install removes SecuROM, GameSpy, and Punkbuster. GOG is 15.6 GB [136 files], Steam is 16.5 GB [161 files].[3]"
This doesn't add up, especially if you pull out the later posts in the GOG forum thread about this issue:
by AB2012:
Not properly no (last update was 2015). I mean the expansions are playable as long as you don't have certain software like Process Monitor running, but it's not exactly ideal for a 'DRM-Free' game to constantly scan other applications memory then refuse to run depending on what it 'likes'. The expansions also stutter more than the base game, quite possibly because of all this unnecessary SecuROM memory scanning overhead still left in there.
It isn't "dormant" but a bizarre broken version of SecuROM in the expansions that still affects some users.