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From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games
This section is for leftover wiki code that I don't have a place to put in. For all purposes, the code here is outdated and abandoned

Editing Guide

Embedded file


[[File:File name| Size | Alignment | Format | Caption ]]


The main method of displaying images on a page. They are normally placed at the top of the relevant section.

Embedded file section breakdown

Section Definition Notes
File name The name of the image file. The file extension must be included.
Size The size that the image will be displayed in (in pixels or px). 290px is the standard size for all images. Other values are rarely used.
Alignment The position of the image. Possible values are "left", "center", "right", and "none". "right" is the standard value for all images. The other values are rarely used, if ever.
Format The border styling of the image. Possible values are "framed", "frameless", "thumbnail", and "none". "thumbnail" is the standard value for all images. The other values are rarely used, if ever.
Caption A sentence or two to identify and describe the image. See Caption layout.

The Series Sidebar (DLC row)

  • Downloadable Content (DLC) row. A row for major expansions and DLC available for a particular game. Note that it should always reside directly underneath the main game it is for.
{{Seriesbox/dlc|The Game: Editing Reloaded}}

General rules

  • Games should be ordered on first PC release date (oldest to newest).
This also applies for DLC
  • If an expansion is standalone (i.e. does not require the base game to function), it should be considered a separate game and listed as a full title.
  • As mentioned earlier, only major expansions and DLC should be listed in the sidebar. The following are considered "major":
    • Retail expansions
    • Digital expansions
    • Map packs
  • Naming conventions for the table:
    • Full game: Use full title.
    • Retail expansions: Use full title.
    • Any digital expansions/content: Use only main title (ex. Call of Duty: Ghosts - Nemesis becomes Nemesis).
  • Some franchises are too large to fit onto one table (ex. Star Wars). Narrow in on what sub-series a collection of games follow.
  • A new game in a series should only be added in if it has been confirmed that it will be released on the PC (either Windows, OS X, or Linux).
  • New major DLC for a game should only be added in when it has been officially released.
  • While not common, fan games and major mods for a series can be added in if it is worth mentioning. Ask a mod before editing it in.

Multiplayer Types table

Template documentation


|local play           = 
|local play players   = 
|local play notes     = 
|lan play             = 
|lan play players     = 
|lan play notes       = 
|online play          = 
|online play players  = 
|online play notes    = 
|local co-op          = 
|local co-op players  = 
|local co-op notes    = 
|lan co-op            = 
|lan co-op players    = 
|lan co-op notes      = 
|online co-op         = 
|online co-op players = 
|online co-op notes   = 
|hot-seat             = 
|hot-seat players     = 
|hot-seat notes       = 
|asynchronous         = 
|asynchronous notes   = 


Multiplayer types

Type Native Players Notes
Local play
LAN play
Online play
Asynchronous multiplayer

The first table of the section, it handles all the multiplayer gameplay types available.

The majority of the fields are split up into two major categories:

  • Play: Normal multiplayer (i.e. head to head, player vs. player. Also called PvP).
  • Coop: Cooperative mode (i.e. players work together, player vs. environment. Also called PvE).

After that, they are split up again into 3 sub-categories:

  • Local: The mode can be played on a single system.
  • LAN: The mode can be played on a Local Area Network (or LAN).
  • Online: The mode can be played on the Internet with other users.

All that remains are two alternate gameplay setups:

  • Hot-seat: Multiplayer can be played with a single keyboard/mouse combo or controller. Also known as "Pass-and-Play".
  • Asynchronous: Multiplayer is turn-based (i.e. gameplay is not in real-time).

General rules

  • Fill in only the fields that apply to the game.
    • If a game has either LAN or Online support, both the LAN and Online rows need to be filled in for that particular gameplay type.
      • Ex. If the game has support for online coop, fill in the the LAN Coop and Online Coop rows.
    • If a game only has Local support, the LAN and Online rows for that particular gameplay type will be set to "false".
  • The Players field for each row displays the maximum amount of players that particular network setup can support.
    • Do not provide range values (i.e. 1-32).
    • Some games require dedicated servers to hit the true max player count.
      • Ex. Creating a multiplayer game in-game will allow the max player count to be only 16, while a dedicated server run externally can support up to 64.
  • If a gameplay type is restricted to a specific mode (ex. LAN Coop can only be played on Horde Mode), provide the name of the mode in the notes field.